Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Knitting is Bliss

My very patient mother in-law taught me how to knit a few years ago. For a long time, I dabbled making scarves - low risk, mindless projects. Then, she recently gave me a Debbie Bliss knitting book with patterns for babies and yarn to start a sweater project. It was the nudge I needed to fly out of the straight line scarf nest and spread my knitting stitch knowledge base.

I've had so much fun with this project. It's not perfect (that makes it "special," right?), and to date only about half finished. The book along with the Internet (and emergency fixing sessions with said knitting teacher) has assisted me through the pattern. 

If you're thinking about learning to knit, Knitting Help has a great Web site on getting started. If you are like I was - fearful of making anything other than a scarf - try something like a simple hat. Like my mother in-law says, you can't undo life, but you can undo a knitting project and start over. 

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